GamesKraft | Placements

    [Aditya Dhane]Aug. 24, 2021

    It consisted of 5 rounds. Profile : Software Engineer. Criteria : CSE, ECE.
    Round 1 description : July 30, 8 pm This round had 3 coding questions. I solved 2 completely and 1 partially. 1)FC Codelona is trying to assemble a team from a roster of available players. They have a minimum number of players they want to sign and each player needs .... Read More »

    Tags: GamesKraft | CSE | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2021-22 | Profile: Software Engineer

    [Hardik Bhatia]Aug. 12, 2021

    It consisted of 5 rounds. Profile : IT Services. Criteria : CSE, ECE/NA.
    Round 1 description : This round started with 3 coding questions out of which 2 are as as follow: 1)FC Codelona is trying to assemble a team from a roster of available players. They have a minimum number of players they want to sign and each player needs to have a skill .... Read More »

    Tags: GamesKraft | CSE | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2021-22 | Profile: IT Services

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