CGI | Placements

    [Deekshith Etyala]Aug. 10, 2020

    It consisted of 2 rounds. Profile : IT Services. Criteria : CSE ECE EEE/6.
    Round 1 description : In this round interviewer asked me some basic programming questions difficulty level of easy which can be answered.In this they focused only on data structures and OOPS concepts. a. swap values of two variables without using sum and subract operator .... Read More »

    Tags: CGI | CSE | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2019-20 | Profile: IT Services

    [VANGALA VISHAL]Aug. 20, 2018

    It consisted of 4 rounds. Profile : IT Services. Criteria : 6.
    Round 1 description : Hi frnds. there were total 5 sections and each section had timer and NO NEGATIVE MARKING : 1. Quantitative aptitude: total 16 questions. they were of medium standard. 2. Verbal ability: total 20 questions consists of correction of sentences, syno .... Read More »

    Tags: CGI | ECE | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2018-19 | Profile: IT Services

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    [PRANAY POURKAR]Aug. 28, 2018

    It consisted of 4 rounds. Profile : IT Services. Criteria : 6.5 and above with no current backlog.
    Round 1 description : 3 Sections. Section 1: Aptitude questions and time allotted was nearly 10-15 minutes. The level was moderate. Section 2: Two coding problems which need to be solve in 35 min. The level was easy. Section 3: 15 MCQ questions based on OS, networking, .... Read More »

    Tags: CGI | EEE | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2018-19 | Profile: IT Services

    [RUTUJA RISHI]Aug. 24, 2018

    It consisted of 3 rounds. Profile : IT Services. Criteria : 7.
    Round 1 description : Test consisted of aptitude, coding, business analysis questions. Simple coding questions of taking out prime numbers. Just be prepared with aptitude questions. .... Read More »

    Tags: CGI | EEE | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2018-19 | Profile: IT Services

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