Sling Media | Placements

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    Sling Media
    [Vikas Jha]Aug. 16, 2018

    It consisted of 3 rounds. Profile : IT Product. Criteria : 7.
    Round 1 description : Online test consisted of sections on C/C++, Java and aptitude. We were required to attempt either of the section from C/C++ and Java. Aptitude was quite easy. Didn't involve any complex calculations. I attempted the technical section on C/C++. Questi .... Read More »

    Tags: Sling Media | ECE | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2018-19 | Profile: IT Product

    Sling Media
    [SUSHANT THOMBRE]Aug. 13, 2018

    It consisted of 3 rounds. Profile : IT Services. Criteria : 7 Cgpa.
    Round 1 description : Online test consisted of 3 sections, aptitude ,c/c++, java. There was option between java and c/c++ part. The aptitude was on easier side with quite a lot question were really basic. C/ C++ question were requiring crystal clear concepts of basics of .... Read More »

    Tags: Sling Media | ECE | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2018-19 | Profile: IT Services

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