L&T ECC | Placements

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    L&T ECC
    [Vangala Reddy]Aug. 25, 2018

    It consisted of 1 rounds. Profile : Core - R & D. Criteria : 7.0.
    Round 1 description : The topic was " if the going gets tough, the tough gets going". It was to test your understanding and communication skills. Be prepared prior to the interview by googling. Some of them were "1+1=11" , "If history was kind to you, what you will inten .... Read More »

    Tags: L&T ECC | MEC | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2018-19 | Profile: Core - R & D

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    L&T ECC
    [Telang Hirama]Sept. 11, 2018

    It consisted of 2 rounds. Profile : Core - R & D. Criteria : above 6.5 cgpa with no current backlog.
    Round 1 description : round 1 consisted of computer based aptitude test wich had 3 sections 1)Analytical ability 2) verbal ability 3)numerical ability. section 1 needed few tricks to be remembered. most questions were logical and easy. section 2 was very easy and requir .... Read More »

    Tags: L&T ECC | CIV | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2018-19 | Profile: Core - R & D

    L&T ECC
    [Nalam Akhil]July 13, 2017

    It consisted of 2 rounds. Profile : Core- Plant. Criteria : Graduate engineer trainee.
    Round 1 description : Primary Elimination: For civil engineering students, top 40 of applied students will go to next stage. ROUND1: It is a written test which has only aptitude part(quantitative,verbal ability), after this test about 30 students were sent to interview .... Read More »