JP Morgan | Internships

    JP Morgan
    [Sagarika Shrote]July 7, 2020

    It consisted of 4 rounds. Profile : IT Services. Criteria : 7 and above.
    Round 1 description : This round consisted of two coding Questions. The first was 0-1 knapsack and the other was to find next permutation (next larger number). .... Read More »

    Tags: JP Morgan | CSE | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2019-20 | Profile: IT Services

    JP Morgan
    [Aditya Sriram]Sept. 4, 2018

    It consisted of 4 rounds. Profile : IT Services. Criteria : 7.0 & No Current Backlogs.
    Round 1 description : The first round was Online based on Hackerrank platform and has 2 Coding questions. 1.'n' sentences and 'q' queries will be given and you have to print the number of sentences that contains all its words for each query on a new line. 2.0-1 Knapsac .... Read More »

    Tags: JP Morgan | CSE | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2018-19 | Profile: IT Services

    JP Morgan
    [Abdul Mapara]Sept. 4, 2018

    It consisted of 4 rounds. Profile : IT Services. Criteria : Minimum CGPA 7 and no current backlogs.
    Round 1 description : The first round was an online programming test on Hackerrank of 100 marks. There were 2 questions: (one question of 40 marks and the other of 60 marks) 1.Given n sentences and q queries, for each query print the number of sentences that cont .... Read More »

    Tags: JP Morgan | CSE | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2018-19 | Profile: IT Services

    JP Morgan
    [VANKADARA NITYASREE]Aug. 28, 2018

    It consisted of 3 rounds. Profile : IT Services. Criteria : Minimum 7 pointer with no current backlogs.
    Round 1 description : This is a online test including 2 coding questions and 5 technical aptitude questions. The coding questions are based on arrays and string data structures.35 students are shortlisted for the interview. .... Read More »

    Tags: JP Morgan | CSE | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2017-18 | Profile: IT Services

    JP Morgan
    [Apoorva Mothey]Aug. 14, 2018

    It consisted of 4 rounds. Profile : IT Services. Criteria : 7cgpa and no current backlogs.
    Round 1 description : There were 2 coding questions with 60 and 40 marks respectively. One question is of dynamic programming and other was of string manupulation. Nearly 30 members were shotlisted for the next round. .... Read More »

    Tags: JP Morgan | CSE | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2018-19 | Profile: IT Services

    JP Morgan
    [Nikita Dhole]March 4, 2017

    It consisted of 2 rounds. Profile : IT Services. Criteria : Pointer criteria: 6.5 with no current backlogs .
    Round 1 description : 1. Introduce yourself and describe projects. 2. Strengths and weaknesses. 3.What is datastructure?Which one you like.? 4.Questions on project you did like why did you prefer a particular language or ide? What were the challenges? 5.Mathematical .... Read More »

    Tags: JP Morgan | CSE | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2015-16 | Profile: IT Services

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    JP Morgan
    [Yash Devikar]Aug. 14, 2018

    It consisted of 3 rounds. Profile : Graduate Analysts. Criteria : Minimum pointer 7/ No backlogs.
    Round 1 description : Completely based on resume. Since mine was on Deep learning and neural networks, the interviewer asked in depth about Deep Neural Networks and genetic neural nets. Checked my knowledge on each and every project or language I wrote in my CV. .... Read More »

    Tags: JP Morgan | EEE | OnCampus | Accepted Offer | Session : 2018-19 | Profile: Graduate Analysts

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