We are a group of students, pursuing our engineering dreams. IvLabs serves as a platform for students from different engineering backgrounds to collaborate and work together with utmost team spirit and avidity to bring innovative ideas into reality. Being in such an environment, young minds approach real life problems and come up with astonishing ideas, which highlights the objectives of our lab.
Nothing worth creating is ever created easily, and that's because excellence can never be an accident. It was the result of high intentions, sincere efforts, intelligent guidance of the Mentors and skillful execution by the First Years that has led them to create something which has, in turn, taken them much ahead of their time! We would love you to have a look at the 7 projects in different fields that we had undertaken this summer. For individual project videos please visit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Ud1ZH23JJvmnb6aHCu51g
Nothing worth creating is ever created easily, and that's because excellence can never be an accident. It was the result of high intentions, sincere efforts, intelligent guidance of the Mentors and skillful execution by the First Years that has led them to create something which has, in turn, taken them much ahead of their time!
We would love you to have a look at the 7 projects in different fields that we had undertaken this summer.
For individual project videos please visit:
Inspiring Minds!! We teach You How to Learn!! 245 Students, 40 Volunteers, two excellent workshops on SolidWorks and Basic Electronics. IEEE VNIT Students' Chapter with IvLabs conducted two amazing workshops on the last weekends receiving overwhelming response from First Year Students. More surprises yet to come. #KeepLearning
Inspiring Minds!!
We teach You How to Learn!!
245 Students, 40 Volunteers, two excellent workshops on SolidWorks and Basic Electronics. IEEE VNIT Students' Chapter with IvLabs conducted two amazing workshops on the last weekends receiving overwhelming response from First Year Students. More surprises yet to come.
Truths and talents can't be kept hidden for a long time. And the truth about talent is that it's potential is meaningless unless it's nourished through devoted and dedicated smart work to give the incongruous results. Some of these results were recognised by the Centre for Innovation, Nagpur (CIVN), who asked IVlabs to present and demonstrate its projects in front of DOKTOR FRANK MENTRUP, Lord Mayor, City of Karlsruhe and other Professors and Delegates from BADEN-WURTTEMBERG, GERMANY, at the Worldwide Forum Innovation Gallery held at Nagpur on 1st of Feb'18. It was a great honor and an achievement in itself, to not only present the work of IVlabs in front of such distinguished and eminent guests but also to receive their applause and admiration for our work. They expressed their fondness towards our projects by wanting us to bring Indian innovations to Germany so that, with Indian ideas at the forefront, knowledge could be exchanged between us. Hoping for more such success stories to come ...! #StayTuned
Truths and talents can't be kept hidden for a long time. And the truth about talent is that it's potential is meaningless unless it's nourished through devoted and dedicated smart work to give the incongruous results.
Some of these results were recognised by the Centre for Innovation, Nagpur (CIVN), who asked IVlabs to present and demonstrate its projects in front of DOKTOR FRANK MENTRUP, Lord Mayor, City of Karlsruhe and other Professors and Delegates from BADEN-WURTTEMBERG, GERMANY, at the Worldwide Forum Innovation Gallery held at Nagpur on 1st of Feb'18.
It was a great honor and an achievement in itself, to not only present the work of IVlabs in front of such distinguished and eminent guests but also to receive their applause and admiration for our work. They expressed their fondness towards our projects by wanting us to bring Indian innovations to Germany so that, with Indian ideas at the forefront, knowledge could be exchanged between us.
Hoping for more such success stories to come ...!
Ivlabs with the German dignitaries at the Worldwide Forum Innovation Gallery on 1st of Feb
Ivlabs with the German dignitaries at the Worldwide Forum Innovation Gallery on 1st of Feb